For Successful Time Travelers:
If this information helps you achieve temporal-financial success, please consider sending a portion of your mining proceeds to this verification address:
Current Timeline Balance:
Target date: December 15, 2009
Location: New York City, United States of America
Remember: USD to BTC exchange rate doesn't exist yet. First recorded price will be $0.003 per BTC in March 2010.
You may not arrive with anything other than the clothes on your back.
Beg or borrow money (USD) to purchase a computer for mining.
Visit Microcenter - 1090 6th Ave, New York, NY
Latitude: 40.75456, Longitude: -73.98431
Purchase Requirements:
- Intel Core 2 Duo or better
- 2GB RAM minimum
- Windows XP or Ubuntu Linux 9.10
Approximate cost: $400-600
(Bring USD from your temporal preparation if possible)
1. Download Bitcoin v0.2.0 from
2. Create wallet
3. Run bitcoin.exe or ./bitcoin
4. Mining will start automatically with CPU
5. Expected yield: ~50 BTC per block (block time ~10 minutes)
Note: Difficulty is extremely low in 2009. A standard CPU can mine multiple blocks per day.
- Avoid mining past May 22, 2010 (First real-world BTC transaction - Laszlo Hanyecz pays 10,000 BTC for two pizzas and is known as "Bitcoin Pizza Day")
- First exchanges appear in July 2010
- Bitcoin surpasses $1,000 USD on November 27, 2013
- Bitcoin surpasses $100,000 USD on December 4, 2024
- Do not attempt to contact Satoshi Nakamoto
- Maintain low profile during mining operations
- Use different coffee shops for internet access
- Do not discuss Bitcoin with locals
- Avoid butterfly effects in the cryptocurrency ecosystem